Are canine seizures treatable? - canine seizures
I have a dog (half beagle / half beagle) who suffers from seizures. Crises occur once a month and I have nothing, what would have been the cause.
Are canine seizures treatable? - canine seizures
I have a dog (half beagle / half beagle) who suffers from seizures. Crises occur once a month and I have nothing, what would have been the cause.
You should have a veterinarian. Sometimes it is not treated better, because the drugs can actually make things worse. But no one knows what to do, what line do.
Reverse sneezing is nothing like a crisis! A reverse sneeze is just a cramp in his throat. They are usually caused by excitement or stress.
It is necessary to bring your dog to the vet and questions about the crisis. You want your vet to describe what happens during the crisis, what is your dog, how long will it take, how often they occur. In general, if the attacks, when a month or more, the veterinarian will prescribe medications to control them. However, you must take into account your dog before prescribing medication.
Take him to the vet workup by the crisis can be caused by a number of things, good news, although most can be treated with medication and low dose!
Take him to the vet workup by the crisis can be caused by a number of things, good news, although most can be treated with medication and low dose!
Some attacks are treatable, but it depends on what is causing them serious. You should consult your veterinarian and you have evaluated your dog.
When seizures are mild and infrequent, sometimes it is not necessary to treat them. I know a golden retriever in this situation. But the assessment by a veterinarian is very important to know what is best for the long-term health of your dog.
Depending on the cause, they are not treatable. But I also agree that you bring your dog to the vet to see what happens.
Good luck!
Drugs are for pets that are used to control seizures.
First, you can determine some tests to try to do with them.
You need the dog to the vet.
ok serious question. Why have him to the vet and ask the vet this?
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