Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vigina Types Photos TTC Sorry For Another Cm And OPK Question?

TTC sorry for another cm and OPK question? - vigina types photos

Ok, so I'm on day 2 or 3 EWCM, 22 days cycle and yestrerday OPK still negitive. I have really bad AF type pains and my Venn done much harm in the last 4 days. Usually it did not get until I start my days af.I estradiol clomid 8-12 and 3-7. I called my doctors and said there was nothing to do, or do I just bd every other day. All ideas would be appriciated!


I beat PCOS! 33 weeks preg!!!! said...

I heard a few people who yget OPK negative, but EWCM and design this month. Good luck. I did not OPK this month, but had a couple of days EWCM O'D and waited for my second cycle of Femara. Many baby dust!

Married and so in love said...

The EWCM is good. To keep your OPK and soon probably need to +. I'm not sure what to estradiol no cycle, but I did clomid this cycle of only 5-9 days and ovulation on CD 16 (late for me, as a rule, CD12). So you always have EWCM do not think that you lost your O so you do not worry.

Sophie and Jacob's mummy said...

I EWCM for about a week before the OPK is positive. Just keep sex now, but if you simply lost their proliferation.

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